If you are a victim of abuse, you know how horrible you feel when you are in an abusive relationship. Physical abuse hurts just as much as mental, verbal and emotional abuse. The only difference is that there are no scars to prove that you were a victim. The internal scars are still there and they hurt so deeply that you turn into a shell of yourself. I remember the feeling of just existing to function. Nobody could possibly understand it unless they have experienced it themselves.
I had no idea myself that I was a victim of abuse. It wasn’t until I had confronted my ex husband about his affair that I realized that I was fearful of him. Long story short, I ended up at the Domestic Violence Center and spoke with a counselor and she informed me that I was a victim of Narcissistic Abuse. This was a turning point in my life because I needed to educate myself about Narcissism and find out how to protect myself.
I learned that after a lot of research, that I need to heal my inner wounds. The best way to do this is to use meditation. I was a complete beginner and had no idea how to meditate. But as I was driving home one day, I saw a sign outside a nearby store that said ‘Meditation Classes’. I decided to give it a try, and being a part of these meditation classes was a huge help in my healing process and my journey.
There are many ways to meditate and everyone has different preferences. I really enjoyed these classes because they guided me through the process of releasing my thoughts and allowing my body to relax as I would focus on my breathing. After the class I would feel lighter and had more mental clarity. I don’t know how I lived through my life without it. It has really helped me especially on the days when I am feeling my worst.
I am not saying that you need to find a meditation class to meditate. You can use an app with guided meditations, YouTube has a ton of great ones as well. Once you get into the habit of meditating, it is very easy to do. Just find a comfortable and quiet spot – it could be indoors or outdoors. Heck I have even meditated in my car while waiting for my kids to get out of school.
There are so many benefits to meditation besides healing from abuse. I have to say that I am a huge advocate for it and recommend it to everyone I talk to.
- I will list just a few benefits below…
- Helps with anxiety and depression
- Relieves stress
- Helps with high blood pressure
- Improves mental clarity
- Helps with memory
- Improves the immune system
- Helps with breathing problems
- Improves your mood and outlook